Dearest succ-ers--apologies for taking so long to write a new post for you. As you know, I've been missing my wonderful dog, Scout, for almost two months now. I'm happy to report that we've added a new dog to the household! Her name is Maisie, and she's no slouch in the cuteness department, as you'll see in the pic below. And as you can see in the pic to the right, she also likes to help me garden. |
Of course, once you see this kind of predilection in your little one, you need to encourage it as much as possible. After all, Maisie could be the next Kelly Griffin! Or Debra Lee Baldwin! Or Gordon Rowley! So we've begun a strict training regimen that emphasizes proper potting and proper pottying in equal measure. As you can see in this video, we're making progress: More soon, my friends. I hope your summer is succ-ing every bit as much as you had hoped!
7/16/2014 03:38:45 am
She is awesome! Looks like she has a green thumb just waiting to be trained Comments are closed.