What's that? They're not all spiny? Some species of rebutia won't poke me at all?
Okay. Well, cacti are boring, though. They're all the same color--this super drab green that--
What? They come in a ton of different colors? Well, surely not pink or purple.
Both pink and purple?? Um. Well, they'd hate my climate. It's redwoody and kind of moist in the air, and most other succulents are fine, but cacti wouldn't like it. I just--
What do you mean they're "versatile?" And that they're even more frost-resistant than most other kinds of succulents? Are you being serious?
You are. Geez. Okay, fine--twist my arm--I'll get a few cacti and plant them with some crassula and a baby agave. If I have to.
For the record, I do not consider myself a "cactus person," but there are definitely a few I can't resist--sulcorebutia rauschii chief among them. How did this happen?