On the left is a photo from the day I planted it last August. On the right is a photo I took today. Doesn't it look happy? Seeing the pictures side by side totally made my day:
Last August, I did a little post about guerilla gardening--that is, planting plants on public or pseudo-public property. Many of my guerilla gardening attempts failed--frost killed off my haworthias in front of the post office, and overaggressive pedestrians demolished the crassulas I stuck into a planter bed. But one of my efforts paid off particularly well. I hadn't thought about this little echeveria for some time, but I remembered it today and dropped by. On the left is a photo from the day I planted it last August. On the right is a photo I took today. Doesn't it look happy? Seeing the pictures side by side totally made my day: For good measure, here's a closer-up shot:
9/24/2014 12:34:39 pm
I forgot you did this! Makes me happy that the little guy made it. I just got some hens and chicks from a friend. That is the only kind of succulent that would survive the winter in Delaware. I think I will do a little guerilla gardening this weekend! Comments are closed.